A database of contact information alone is not very useful and does not empower your firm. To get the most out of your CRM, you have to think like a programmer, a marketer, a salesperson and a manager…of a financial services organization.
CRM Configuration & Integration Services include:
Marketing is not about blasting out a product fact sheet and seeing who clicks. It is about defining and targeting the right audience, with the right message, and shepherding them along the “Buyer’s Journey”.
We do that for you.
Marketing Campaign Development & Execution Services include:
Most asset managers either 1) have a lot to say, but don’t know how to say it, or 2) say a lot, but have no idea if anyone is listening. We help clients find their voices, gain the knowledge that they’re being heard and harness the technology to make it all matter.
Thought Leadership Development & Implementation Services include:
One of the unique aspects of the asset management industry is that 99% of buyers of all investment-related products represent a defined universe of Financial Intermediaries: Advisors, Brokers, Consultants, Family Offices, Pension Funds, Endowments, Foundations and other Institutions.
We enable clients to use current and/or incremental data sources to quantitatively and systematically qualify leads based on their content engagement and progression through the Buyer’s Journey.
Lead Generation & Qualification Services include:
Whether you are a large organization with a national/regional sales force that sells into distinct territories and/or product lines, or you are a small shop looking to scale via technology instead of staff – we can enable your team(s) to work smarter, not harder and do more with less.
Sales Process Automation & Optimization Services include:
4750 Bluebonnet Blvd
Suite B
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
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